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After America Collapses, What Comes Next?




December 5, 2014 at 6:07pm


By Stephen Paine




    COMPREHENSIVE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE AMERICAN PEOPLE CAN PEACEFULLY TAKE THEIR NATION BACK FROM THE OLIGARCHY, USING THE RULE OF LAW   Not to pick on Norm, but it appears to me that Norman Goldman is just as much an insider as the rest. Like the rest of the media, he really never says anything that really makes long lasting change, or tells the real truth about our nation and what is really going on. They just tell us what we really already know. I mean why do people put up with a media that never tells the truth?


Americans know the media is mostly filling us with lies, and be sure, and this is Not a dam conspiracy, we are being brainwashed by the TV "Alpha Waves," to actually accept it as normal. Watch this video:


The Truth About Television (YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED!)


Thus, we need to all look in the mirror and take action against this subversive colluding with government to fool the public with media spin and brainwashing. This is what Nazis do, and actually the people that started this organization after WWII, is our CIA, and spying agencies, - the old Nazi’s from Germany, now spying on you. Watch this video:


The CIA and the Nazis-Full Length Documentary


I mean it is a standard practice now for Americans to check to make sure the next so-called terror attack is not a "False flag," and thus far, most all of them have been, by our CIA. Why the hell do we put up with this? Has not our government and media become adversarial? Why do people still trust them, are they being brainwashed? Are they murdering these black kids in the street to test their spin machine, and brainwashing machines, keeping the nation busy from the crimes they are doing with the other hand?


This is what is always going on. Right after they robbed the entire Middle Class (2008 crash, caused by the world bankers, same people that caused the depression 1929, we again have all the evidence) of all their wealth, they started the Health care argument, and it totally drowned out those trying to have a voice about the “CRIME OF THE CENTURY” that just occurred; and then comes the cover up scheme, just by doing another crime that takes attention of the last one, and so on, and so on, by the time we are trying to solve the mystery of the last crime they did, we are to busy we the “BOMB the are dropping on us today.


Understand our media and government are that deviant, we have absolute unequivocal evidence of this, and I hate to say this, but that is what I see as crazy as that sounds. They showed everyone in America the video on live TV where they choked Eric Garner to death with no ambiguity, and now they are using the media spin to sway public opinion, while using “Alpha Wave” technologies, which as I have said before, the word is, they have perfected it. I saw the public in a trance right at the hearing for Michael Brown; they have everyone under mind control, convincing the public it is just; when in fact, they killed him in cold blood right in the street before everyone. This is CIA Psyops for sure. He was 131 feet from the car with no gun. But I saw them use spin and brainwashing to convince everyone otherwise. Tell me I am wrong, but please media explain it clearly, the people want to know?


I know about these things, I ran a cult awareness web site for over a decade and I actually won a language award for a speech I gave on brainwashing from a teacher that never gives a student anything word was.


It is powerful “thought reform” they are using and it goes to the subconscious mind, which is what programs a person. What we take into our conscience mind is like maybe 10% of the information, the rest is absorbed into our subconscious-mind. Watch these videos below, this is not a joke or some crazy theory, and thus we better wake up.


I started as a street kid (homeless at 15), and later after I pulled myself up out of the poverty I ran many land development corporations I owned. Thus, I have dealt with large industrial companies as a developer. We use to do contract work for the navy with a contracting business I owned at the same time. I could build a high rise, or a dam. I have built large projects and this government knows if I get a few million I can change the world. Now that may sound like a boast, but I have already done things that I was told were impossible, so let people keep trying to put me in their box of limitation (people do not know who I am here), so I can prove them wrong. And now those words were not my words, but from a large Boeing contractor that handled buying property from me, land acquisitions. They purchased a property I had they needed for a military project in Seattle, but they could not play fair, and thus they tried to steel it. They had my entire home robbed, and when I came home from teaching the kids for the Seafair parade roller gymnastics, everything in our home was gone, even our bed; and they caused a corporate take over of my company I had built from saving starting at 15 to make my so-called American dream come true, saving money as a dishwasher, working my way to a chef; scratching my way out of total poverty. So after they destroyed my businesses, and I owned a few at 23, I sent myself through college, and now I am only 30 credits away from my Masters. And understand this, after they did that to me, the deal ended up by mistake costing them double. So they have chased me ever since, and to make a long story short, a very long story, I made millions again within one year of getting out of college completely broke with no credit, and they came back in, or someone did, and destroyed it all again. Now this was actually the third time they did this.


I have achieved the American dream from nothing three times, and my own country destroyed it. All because I want to stop the crime in government, and I speak out loud; and is it because I was propagating Buddhism, history shows this is true, and the evidence points directly at this premise; my parents lived in total poverty their entire lives and I watched this nation destroy their dreams also. The problem was I had no help, the police were aiding the enemy because these large corporation have them in their pocket, so they can destroy anyone they want. So now I am going to get to the bottom off these crimes and work to change it if it cost me my life. Which I am sure it will not be long, it appears they were trying to poison me recently, but that is the price we pay for freedom and liberty, and I would rather be dead then live with no courage and heart! Today is a good day to die!


American’s karma:


Our nation and its people need to realize that we are murdering people all across the globe; and be sure by karma we are responsible for those deaths because these are the people we voted in. We have murdered millions since this nation's inception, and people better think hard on that. Does anyone really understand that we will get the effect (karmic retribution) if we do not speak out!


Americans need to get a clue that these media people are just there to comfort the masses; they already have a script from the CFR. If they tell you otherwise they are lying. Have you not noticed how they are all on cue on every issue? There are documentaries I have sent out here on this subject that prove this is very point:


Ebola - Fear, Lies And The Evidence




Yes, it appears they are a media person for the people, but is it NOT real, they are all just actors? And thus you will never see them supporting those that really need support that are fighting to save this nation from the real crimes that are going on behind closed doors in secret sessions. Did they talk about the American Hero Aaron Russo, most of you probably do not even know who he is? They murdered him. Yes they do have certain planned staged events that look like humanitarian aid, touchy feely moments on TV, and they may seem to be helping with food or shelter, but as we know, most the time there is more crime involved in these so-called aid programs; and it was our politicians who caused the poverty in the first place. And remember the media is aiding them in their mass deception.


They Steel Our Money and Make Us Prisoners:


Now those that become homeless, become prisoners now because the elite do not want to see them on the street, it is bad publicity. Do you hear the mainstream media talking about that fact? Did you know that we live in a corporate prison state? You go to prison they get paid. Watch this video and see the conflict of interest there is between corporations and the states, this is a total violation of the Constitution:


Private prisons: How US corporations make money out of locking you up




























   Furthermore, people think these politicians are fighting over the budget for the American people, when they are just wolves tearing each other apart for their share of appropriations and other special interest money they funnel to each other. People, our nation has been taken over by a foreign entity, AND SO I ASK YOU what are we going to do? Think for a moment, when president Reagan took office there were 4700 lobbyist, when he left after his second term there were 47,000. Now let us not forget that the IRS, the IMF and the Federal Reserve are a complete fraud against the people. Do you hear the media talking about that everyday? Because this is so much fraud against a people it is ludicrous and proof of a mass deception and brainwashing to place a people in a system that is designed to fail by its very nature and design. Watch this documentary:


The Federal Reserve Fraud Part 1 of 5






























The evidence shows we have lost our nation. And we have so much evidence that President GEORGE W. BUSH is behind 911 (otherwise, you have to call all the New York Firemen liars), who do you trust? People we need to admit this to ourselves first. Stop agreeing and listening to those that say it is a conspiracy in mainstream media, they are covering for the politicians, they are the dam enemy. We have absolute proof now George H. Bush was the master mind behind JFK’s death, where is the media on that? This is so sad the lies and deception, I have no words.


9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!


Dark Legacy: George Bush And The Murder Of John Kennedy:


Are we going to wait until the country is completely under martial law and the killing begins? We do realize our Constitution is completely gone now; we have the same laws Germany had right before the Holocaust? Right Mr. and Mrs.America, you know this right? I do not know about you, but I am done with this fraud by these political deviants.


Let us take action, no more words!


Moreover, they totally ignore the people's real stories, those that are being destroyed by this nation for how they think and believe. We have no freedom and justice, they have been working to destroy my entire bloodline for centuries, and you better believe they are doing it to you; unless you’re an insider or a Jesuit traitor. There are still many witch hunts that are going on today in America, and let me tell you, I am their number one warlock, and they want to burn me at the stake because I tell it like is, but no one will tell my story. I believe it media's first responsibility to the public to be that voice! I am not talking just about me, this is an epidemic. The real crimes are never publicized on TV by mainstream. Thus, getting the individual stories out about the tyranny this country is bringing upon selected individuals is the real crime against our "Republic," this is by our CIA (Jesuits), which is actually the Roman Catholic church still Crusading against every one that does not believe or submit. 


As a Buddhist American, I can tell you the discrimination runs very deep, and I have all the facts that the Catholic church (Jesuits) have for centuries worked to destroy Buddhism, and they are still doing it here in America. And even though I have enough proof that would pile as high as the moon, few will listen. So you tell me this media is not all part of the Oligarchy?


The U.S. Is Run bya Financial Oligarchy: The Ruling Elite, Money & the Illusion of Progress(1993):


If you think that we still have control of our country, you are completely brainwashed, but again it is not your fault completely. They are using high technology against us. That is why I am writing the American people today. So to help my fellow Americans see what is really going on in their busy schedules? This is the cancer within, and they killed many of our presidents that tried to stop them. And the media knows it is happening to me, but they know if they interfere they are done, ruined, or also killed. Do we have a country of cowards that care only for themselves? We again have no more time left; it is me today, and you tomorrow. We all need to rise up. Start our own "American Command Center" to educate the public and bring awareness so we can create a peaceful strategic plan to thwart these madmen from turning our nation into a total totalitarian regime. That is the cold truth, and it makes me sick to watch the media act this stuff out, so I speak out. They argue like they are for the people, but it is all an act to pacify the public and work toward the NWO.


I know I am right. You see I have dealt with this element; in fact, I have dealt with some of the most powerful people in the world, and if you do not know how to handle these people they will crush you, as they have done to our nation and many others. One must be very savvy and tough to deal with the deep infiltration of our nation by the Jesuits at this point that now runs our nation from the CFR, and this is a fact! 


But if "We the People" can unite in one voice we can change it in a day!


Secret Order of the Jesuits:


Do we hear Norman Goldman stating this every day. No, because that would be the truth, and the end of him. So tell me people, what good is the news if they are lying to us on such a massive scale, and this is massive, and deceiving us on every level? Is that NOT satanic in nature, and that is no exaggeration, and not a question, but a point of fact.


Again maybe Norm is actually trying to be one of the good guys, but he is ultimately also under the CFR’s control.


And yes I do have an answer to this national tragedy of our nation’s loss of sovereignty, and the shredding of her Constitution, and the millions of deaths to be stopped once and for all: here is a step by step plan using the “Rule of Law,” (The articles of Freedom our Forefathers left us) just as our Forefather did, on how to solve the problem we are facing peacefully:



Stephen Paine


I hope people will take the time to watch the documentaries I have posted below and throughout this video. Thank you sincerely for reading this long essay, and please share this with everyone you like to. Best wishes for our nation. We can take her back if we start trusting each other, and not the media and these politicians that have destroy this great nation. I have also listed more proof of my statements within the essay below.




The United States is a corporation:"Act of 1871." What does this mean? Well, it means that Congress,under no constitutional

The United States is a corporation


You are here:

US is a Corp.    Supreme Court confirms    Federal Zone (zip codes)

District of Columbia, corporation possession of the Queen of England

1788 Original Constitution for the united states,original organic, of the people government.


1871 Amended version    CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES,  US is a private corporation.


The UNITED STATES was formed in 1871,which controls only the District of Columbia and the territories it purchases or acquires; Puerto Rico,Guam, Virgin Islands. Many think that income taxes, and some laws do not effect people in the sovereign states of the union as they are outside of the control /jurisdiction of the United


States corporation.  The United States of America is different from the "United States"[corporation].


The terms UNITED STATES and/or United States of America and/ orUnited States Government are all a private corporation, even with registered trademark.


The US Corporation (originally called the District of Columbia) does not effect or control the 50sovereign states that are protected from the federal government by the US Constitution for the United States adopted in 1788.


There are 2 United States,one formed in 1787, the collection of the several sovereign states of the union, and another separate and different one formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories. Others may can give you specific references and explain this further.  Here is an outline of the concepts.


The date is February 21, 1871 and the Forty-First Congress is in session. I refer you to the "Acts of the Forty-First Congress,"Section 34, Session III, chapters 61and 62. On this date in the history of our nation, Congress passed an Act titled: "An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia." This is also known as the "Act of1871." What does this mean? Well, it means that Congress, under no constitutional authority to do so, created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land.

The Constitution for the United States of America was adopted on September 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,andratifiedby conventions in each U.S.statein the name of "The People".




Moreover, we now have proof that separation of church and state has been violated and our Government is under the control by the Jesuit Order and therefore the follow law is being violated; thus, just based on this act alone all mortgages are null and void because they have become an instrument to extract the wealth away from the American people by subversive means which,"We the People" have proof that Congress did collude to defraud the American populace through the subprime mortgage scheme that expanded into the derivative fraud that spanned the global markets leading to the 2008 crash that defrauded millions of Americans out of everything they owned.




 Section 11 - Religious Freedom


Absolute freedom of conscience in all matters of religious sentiment, belief, and worship,shall be guaranteed to every individual, and no one shall be molested or disturbed in person, or property,on account of religion; but the liberty of conscience hereby secured shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness, or justify practices inconsistent with the peace and safety of the state. No public money or property shall be appropriated for, or applied to any religious worship, exercise or instruction, or the support of any religious establishment. No religious qualification shall be required for any public office, or employment, no shall any person be incompetent as a witness,or juror, in consequence of his opinion on matters of religion, nor be questioned in any court of justice touching his religious belief to affect the weight of his testimony.


Moreover, we have evidence that persons in Congress and other branches of government have violated the following amendment and therefore should be removed from office and tried for treason for crimes against our nation.Because this is a form of war that has been waged against the American people in a clandestine manner, but it has been a war against their livelihoods, and we do have proof herein that the enemy is foreign located in Britain, and enemy we defeated in the war of Independence that has infiltrated our nation and taken over it by covert means and we now have proof they killed president Kenny(JFK):


 . . and the crimes are numerous.


Jesuits Behind Most All the Crimes of State and extend Internationally LISTEN TO World Bank Whistleblower, Karen Hudes,


Who are the Jesuits:


Thus, again all mortgages owned by said foreign entities and the law they float on is the maritime law of the sea, so they have no jurisdiction to lien any property on the land of The United States of America outside a ten mile radius of The District of Columbia.


Lastly, we have proof that the income tax that has been being collected b ythe IRS is being given to a certain religious organization thus violating “church and state.” Therefore, the IRS is also an illegal entity that cannot lien any land or personal property in The United States, but they may have jurisdiction on the sea. Thus, all liens by the IRS outside the Ten mile radius of The District of Columbia is null and void.


Since the American people now know they were defrauded by the world bankers and Congress any politician or public figure that does not stand behind the Constitution we must consider they are secretly on the foreign enemies’ side.




Karen Hudes (World Bank): "IRS collects your taxes and gives it to the Vatican"


Declaration of Freedom from the World Bankers, (Illuminati) by the American People


These documentaries are proof, and thus expose the crimes by this government and media:

Naomi Wolf says we are already living in a Police State but Americans are just unaware!
Naomi Wolf on How Fake Democracies Are Rolling Out a Global Blueprint for Control:


Councilon Foreign Relations - The Power Behind Big News


1932, A True History of the United States


The CFR Controls American Media

U.S. Secrets: Classified Intelligence, CIA ,FBI, NSA, Secret Service, Edward Snowden

Proof all Elections are Rigged: Media and Establishment Control Thru The CFR.wmv

The Truth About Television (YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED!)

The Truth About Television (YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED!)

Illuminati Hypersexualization of Children Exposed! Disney Pedophilia and Satanic Role models

Illuminati Hypersexualization of Children Exposed! Disney Pedophilia and Satanic Role models

Hollywood Casting Couch: Satan's Playground











December 4, 2014 at 5:54pm


By Stephen Paine




Americas, America! Where have you gone?


 “We the People,” ask this nation and this government particularly, what did you do to our nation? Did we not once have a nation free from the clandestine religious influence that we see that has now taken it over?


It appears not since 1871.


America, our nation, now so frail and weak, her Constitution, attacked by every foe, - ailing so . . . . . deep, deep the generational wounds, racial hatred, and totalitarian rule. Our people so oppressed, now enslaved, a police state, can you believe it?


Americas, America! Where have you gone?


Time is no longer on our side, and “We the American People,” admit our error, in that we have been complacent, and to naive to see the truth of the deception by the government that now rules. But we now clearly see that we indeed do have a foreign entity that has infiltrated our nation on every level of government and media. Thus, this government and mainstream media have become wholly the enemy of the American people; and we thus openly denounce these activities sponsored by a government that would do these crimes not only on American soil, but atrocities abroad. Therefore, We the People, to save each other from this insidious secret foe, one that has killed our presidents, our countrymen, and now our nation, do hereby speak out and make the following motion based on our Constitution to save our lives and our nation.. The people have information that this government has violated many crimes against the state, and is working to exterminate them (agenda 21); and therefore we have every right under the Rule of Law, and our own humanity to exercise the following right.  


Do we fold to this old tyranny, the very one our forefathers came to this continent to escape, to form a more prefect Union? No, We the People do not give up our nation, we stand firm and resolute for those that died before us for our American dream. So yes, We the People will finish the job they started. Because it is true, as constitutional history and education will tell us that our Forefather only really started this idea of Freedom and Liberty for all; for when it was formed not all people were free as Thomas Paine requested originally; and slowly from the articles of freedom that were penned by our Forefathers, the British Crown, and other foes have worked ever since to undermine our nation and her Constitution. President John F. Kennedy warned the nation at the cost of his life, but we did not listen to his infamous speech, by our grief, and his death was all in VAIN, but now it is our destiny to change this history forever!


JFK was our last real honest president, and it is President George H. Bush that is responsible for his murder, all the proof is right here:


 We have all the evidence; thus, is this not proof enough of the power of the secret societies that killed our last president, and then aided the enemy (World Bankers) to infiltrate under the guise of our secret agencies, CIA, NSA, and on? To terrorize our nation with their personal Jesuit ideology by the Pope’s command (Catholic Church); secretly undermining the American people’s interest and will, and “The Separation of Church and State.”


Secret Order of the Jesuits:


We believe now is the very time for Americans to rise up! If we do not endeavor to do this now, all is lost! Therefore, we rise up as Americans with one voice, together. “We the People” take back our nation. We refuse to take the lies and deception anymore. We have educated ourselves by learning the following information provide below that We the People are now aware of, so you the mainstream media by government cannot lie to us anymore. It is a duty of a free people to take responsibility for our own government. Never shall “We the People” become brainwashed again by media lies and government operatives (CIA-Psyops), and that deceptions that reaches deep into our homes and across the globe, which has caused millions to die over the centuries.


Furthermore, “We the People” hereby demolish the “Patriot Act,” and do quash it immediately upon this transfer of government back to the people, and it shall be stricken forever from this great republic; and all the rights of Americans that have been removed since the inception of our nation will be restored to the people’s will by a electoral process, which includes the “Posse Comitatus” act.


Thus, be it known and heard by all the people of this great nation, we do not fold to this now Jesuit ruled nation, we have a law in the BILL OF RIGHTS penned in (1791), which by this government’s violation of the Constitutional law of church and state that our politicians in unison have violated, which has thus destroyed our Constitution. Therefore, we stand on the land of “The Declaration of Independence,” and cast this government off as a foreign entity. “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, “  Thus, The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."


[This government thus violated the rule of law on numerous counts, and now is being usurped as law requires].


And this government has wholly broken this law and many more listed in the following documentaries.The crimes against the American people and others abroad are to numerous to list here; so they will be placed on a transcript with the original and literary evidence. These crimes do meet the standards given in said, Declaration of Independence for said removal and usurpation of president and his entire cabinet. For proof of the right of the people for such usurpation of our government and those officials that the American people want removed forever, see here for entire transcript:


The Declaration of Independence:A Transcription


IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,


“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpation, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”


Two things were guaranteed: that Congress will not favor,promote, or endow religion; and that Congress shall not impede, obstruct or penalize religion. Government would simply leave religion alone.”


But instead you let the Catholic Church and their Jesuits take over our nation through covert and covet means just as president JFK warned the nation before you killed him, Mr. Vice president George H. Bush, what say ye?


And so these numerous crimes the people could speak on for an eternity, so instead we move to the point and state our mind clearly as one voice. The American people hereby demand by, “The Declaration of Independence” that this entire political system be revised and all of Congress step down, which will include the entire Senate. From there the American people will reconstruct their government in a cooperative manner to replace all public officials in every position throughout our nation down to the mayors. This will include all of the media and special interest groups. The president will work daily with the new people’s elected president until the transition is complete. This will include creating a committee to evaluate the military, and what part of the enormous military Industrial Complex we shall demolish. The president may use a substitute from time to time, for time off. The people shall create a charter of rules for all procedures for this transition of government.


Thus, “We the People” also intend to dissolve the CIA and other non-essential agencies by an evaluation on current covert needs and thus replacing those CIA, NSA agencies, and other Jesuit criminal elements within the nation that have been spying on us, creating only what we need to protect American interest by the “Rule of Law.” 


We the people also will dissolve the IRS, IMF, and Federal Reserve (which was never federal); and other systems that benefit foreign interest and not this nation and her people, and we will print our own currency as President Kennedy did..


America has spoken, and our articles of freedom clearly state this is our right based on the crimes you have clearly done by, “The Declaration of Independence;” thus, this is our nation, this is the people’s Constitution, and will, and we therefore take back the United States of America that you and mostly royal bloodlines so abused.  And so by your religio-political crimes, and thus by our hands together “We the People” have rewritten history this day, with a modern day Declaration of Independence to be presented at the transfer ceremony on this ____________ of_______________ in the year of __________________  giving the government back to the people willingly by the words of The Declaration of Independence; as the people have by the rule of law listed the government’s crimes as stated therein, placing them on notice as we have here in this legal document drafted by the people as did our forefathers in the original transcript; and We the majority of the People hereby exercise our liberty and rights under its banner.


The Rule of Law


Based on individual State’s Constitutions all mortgages are fraudulent and thus are null and void by both the United States of America and United States Inc.’s own documents. Thus, because America was incorporated against the will of the people without their knowledge of such an act that caused such great harm to our nation which did violate the Rule of Law in that the citizens were deceived, and defrauded by such deceit now for some 100 or more years and it continues by a foreign enemy.


Proof is they can show no jurisdiction in either the States Constitutions, nor The United States of America Inc. on the sea, or The United States of America that is on the land, which is only under a ten mile jurisdiction of the District of Columbia as their own documents declare.


Thus, I will take this down to the auditors office and advise them that all foreclosures under the state and the United States Constitution are fraudulent. And in fact all mortgages are thus null and void. Especially since the subprime mortgage fraud was a deliberate attack against the American people, as the loss in home values at the auditors office shows in 2008 a 60% decrease in assessed land values when every other year it is less than 5% either way; thus, it is a planned financial fraud that was perpetrated against the American people, aided by an act of Congress that which aided a foreign enemy in extracting the wealth of the middle class purposely, just as they planned the great depression and we now have evidence of both crimes; so we therefore place every state in the union outside the ten mile radius of The District of Columbia on notice that if you continue to let lenders process foreclosures you will be prosecuted by the people for violating the Constitutions of the laws of land and sea.  


Moreover, based on the 13th amendment the president and his cabinet and those that have colluded with any foreign bankers and terrorist of which we have evidence and by their own doing forfeited their position of office, which includes the President of the United States that has now directly declared war upon the American people of which I have personally been a victim of said crimes of this domestic terrorism by my own nation of which we have evidence that it may have been ordered by the president to imprison me without cause for profit to support the corporate foreign enemy that has infiltrated our nation for religio-political reasons as well as monetary gain with fraudulent means. 


The 13th amendment: This “missing” and “replaced” amendment stated:


“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”


Learn more here:


And see the journal of the Senate which ratified this amendment, here:


President Obama declares war on the American people:




Joint Resolution No. 9, p 999. Approved November, 1950.]


Admiralty law (also referred to as maritime law) is a distinct body of lawwhich governs maritime questions and offenses. It is a body of both domestic law governing maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private entities which operate vessels on the oceans. It deals with matters including marine commerce, marine navigation, marine salvaging, shipping, sailors, and the transportation of passengers and goods by sea. Admiralty law also covers many commercial activities, although land based or occurring wholly on land, that are maritime in character.


Admiralty law is distinguished from the Law of the Sea,which is a body of public international law dealing with navigational rights, mineral rights, jurisdiction over coastal waters and international law governing relationships between nations.




The United States is a corporation: "Act of 1871." What does this mean? Well, it means that Congress, under no constitutional

December 26, 2013 at 3:30pm


The United States is a corporation


You are here:

US is a Corp.    Supreme Court confirms    Federal Zone (zip codes)

District of Columbia, corporation possession of the Queen of England

1788 Original Constitution for the united states, original organic, of the people government.

1871 Amended version    CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES,  US is a private corporation.

The UNITED STATES was formed in 1871,which controls only the District of Columbia and the territories it purchases or acquires; Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands. Many think that income taxes, and some laws do not effect people in the sovereign states of the union as they are outside of the control /jurisdiction of the United States corporation.  The United States of America is different from the "United States" [corporation].

The terms UNITED STATES and/or United States of America and/ or United States Government are all a private corporation, even with registered trademark.


The US Corporation (originally called the District of Columbia) does not effect or control the 50 sovereign states that are protected from the federal government by the US Constitution for the United States adopted in 1788.

There are 2 United States, one formed in 1787, the collection of the several sovereign states of the union, and another separate and different one formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories. Others may can give you specific references and explain this further.  Here is an outline of the concepts.


The date is February 21, 1871 and the Forty-First Congress is in session. I refer you to the "Acts of the Forty-First Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61and 62. On this date in the history of our nation, Congress passed an Act titled: "An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia." This is also known as the "Act of1871." What does this mean? Well, it means that Congress, under no constitutional authority to do so, created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land.


The Constitution for the United States of America was adopted on September 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,andratifiedby conventions in each U.S.state in the name of "The People".



Moreover, we now have proof that separation of church and state has been violated and our Government is under the control by the Jesuit Order and therefore the follow law is being violated; thus, just based on this act alone all mortgages are null and void because they have become an instrument to extract the wealth away from the American people by subversive means which, "We the People" have proof that Congress did collude to defraud the American populace through the subprime mortgage scheme that expanded into the derivative fraud that spanned the global markets leading to the 2008 crash that defrauded millions of Americans out of everything they owned.




 Section 11 - Religious Freedom


Absolute freedom of conscience in all matters of religious sentiment, belief, and worship, shall be guaranteed to every individual, and no one shall be molested or disturbed in person, or property,on account of religion; but the liberty of conscience hereby secured shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness, or justify practices inconsistent with the peace and safety of the state. No public money or property shall be appropriated for, or applied to any religious worship, exercise or instruction, or the support of any religious establishment. No religious qualification shall be required for any public office, or employment, nor shall any person be incompetent as a witness,or juror, in consequence of his opinion on matters of religion, nor be questioned in any court of justice touching his religious belief to affect the weight of his testimony.


Moreover, we have evidence that persons in Congress and other branches of government have violated the following amendment and therefore should be removed from office and tried for treason for crimes against our nation. Because this is a form of war that has been waged against the American people in a clandestine manner, but it has been a war against their livelihoods, and we do have proof herein that the enemy is foreign located in Britain, and enemy we defeated in the war of Independence that has infiltrated our nation and taken over it by covert means and we now have proof they killed president Kenny (JFK): 


 . . and the crimes are numerous. 


Jesuits Behind Most All the Crimes of State and extend Internationally LISTEN TO World Bank Whistleblower, Karen Hudes,



Who are the Jesuits:

Thus, again all mortgages owned by said foreign entities and the law they float on is the maritime law of the sea, so they have no jurisdiction to lien any property on the land of The United States of America outside a ten mile radius of The District of Columbia.


Lastly, we have proof that the income tax that has been being collected by the IRS is being given to a certain religious organization thus violating “church and state.” Therefore, the IRS is also an illegal entity that cannot lien any land or personal property in The United States, but they may have jurisdiction on the sea. Thus, all liens by the IRS outside the Ten mile radius of The District of Columbia is null and void.


Since the American people now know they were defrauded by the world bankers and Congress any politician or public figure that does not stand behind the Constitution we must consider they are secretly on the foreign enemies’ side.


Karen Hudes (World Bank): "IRS collects your taxes and gives it to the Vatican" "Syria actors"


Declaration of Freedom from the World Bankers, (Illuminati) by the American People



Stephen Paine


These documentaries are proof, and thus expose the crimes by this government and media:


Ebola - Fear, Lies And The Evidence


Naomi Wolf says we are already living in a Police State but Americans are just unaware!
Naomi Wolf on How Fake Democracies Are Rolling Out a Global Blueprint for Control:


Council on Foreign Relations - The Power Behind Big News


1932, A True History of the United States

The CFR Controls American Media

U.S. Secrets: Classified Intelligence, CIA ,FBI, NSA, Secret Service, Edward Snowden

Proof all Elections are Rigged: Media and Establishment Control Thru The CFR.wmv

The Truth About Television (YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED!)

The Truth About Television (YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED!)

Illuminati Hypersexualization of Children Exposed! Disney Pedophilia and Satanic Role models

Illuminati Hypersexualization of Children Exposed! Disney Pedophilia and Satanic Role models

Hollywood Casting Couch: Satan's Playground

  After a person watches this video they want to, well first vomit, then throw away, TV's, phones and anything that connects a person to these Luciferian madmen (Illuminati-Jesuits); that have taken over the world with this demonic Luciferian behavior. The poor kids, when is enough for Americans to stop supporting this government and throw them off. .

I can't breathe, I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,

I am Eric Garner!





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