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Original source on Facebook:



    When I started my investigation of this case, I knew little of the Jesuits, and what was really happening within our nation on a clandestine level as I do now; and thus learned quickly how remarkable it is to see that it is no conspiracy. That most all the public officials are protecting each other, and the crime that I thought was just some local radical religious group committing a hate crime, with a couple bad cops that belong to some fraternal organization that hates Buddhist in their county, and all of that is true; however, when you start to work to prosecute these people what you find, is them all protecting each other, even if it means breaking the rule of law. This includes judges, police, and even the governor's office. Thus, this network reaches the White House. Read this research:


So I am filing a complaint with the judicial commission for conduct of judges, and the complaint contains absolute proof that the judges ignored the rule of law, and in fact ignored that facts of the case completely, and were colluding by the evidence shown with the police and agent infiltrator, and thus if the judicial board ignores the obvious misconduct I will file a complaint and expand the suit to any party this crime extends to, which include Governor Inslee’s office, the attorney general's office, and the Skamania County Bar if they do not respond, and all those that block this investigation or appear to be colluding, or if they do not follow the rule of law.


Thus, through my investigation I have uncovered a Luciferian Network:


. . . that has taken over the Police, and most all public official and media; where they have been working to undermine the Constitution and American sovereignty to implement the NWO, by way of policies like, “Agenda 21.” They will tell anyone that says stuff like this they are crazy of course, but we have all the facts and I have painstakingly posted all the evidence here:


Therefore, I am expanding the Federal case to all public official that ignore, block or aid these infiltrators into our government, where I can show 12 jurors all the proof on a massive scale that what I state is true. I mean my web site alone contains all the evidence as do a million other good Americans that are on Facebook, and other venues night, and day posting all the multiple crimes by, and of this government. Understand the United Nations has taken over your nation: This United Nations Takeover of America Will Rattle Your Core! They are Preparing For…


. . . . and now they have the thought police running about working to imprison all those that love freedom and our Constitution. It is almost over people and if we do not wake up collectively it is going to make it difficult to fix this problem for our kids and grand kids. Are we really going to leave this mess for them. Men are supposed to defend their nation for their loved ones, have we lost that fighting spirit that once was at the heart of every real American that loves freedom and hates tyranny?


If we do not act, our world will, and has already been taken over by very bad people you will discover in this video: Webster Tarpley & Elite's Plan for Global Extermination FULL VIDEO)


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