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Working to restore our "Republic" under The Constitution of the United States of America as our Forefather's did, by the Rule of Law.


Our purpose is to be a venue for Truth and Awareness.


Awareness for Humanity [TM]


  Our purpose is to be a venue for truth and awareness. The information provided here is available to all people, in order to make them better aware of the historic and doctrinal facts behind new and old monotheistic religious wars, caused by political and religious doctrine and their dogmas.


Awareness for Humanity is not afraid to discuss contentious religio-political issues. It is only by being a resource and through discussion and education that Awareness for Humanity can bring [Truth and Awareness] to the pain and suffering that has been caused over the ages in the name of religion. We follow in the traditions begun by those who fought for America’s freedoms, who spoke freely, – without fear of secular or religious consequences.


Yours sincerely,

Stephen Paine          


Our Philosophy

Some of the information here may be difficult for many to accept, especially on an emotional level, and is especially likely to enrage religious fundamentalists. The time is now, however, to speak out against the suffering and devastation that has been the result of centuries of interference in human affairs by monotheistic religious movements by the violation of Chruch and state.


It is important to understand that it’s not our intention to denounce the religious beliefs of others, or to deny them their right to worship. Rather, we seek to illuminate the truth behind religion, as Monotheistic teachings have unintended consequences on the human mind; and just as the rulers of nuclear power do not understand fully the power they control, so is it that people do not understand how powerful a religion’s influence is over their eternal lives and our society.


Thus, I ask you sincerely before you proceed on to have an open mind, and please watch the two following videos to prepare for the material on this page, by renowed scholar Jordon Maxwell.


And my sincere thanks to all those true patriots who have taken the time to visit this site and edcuate themselves on our government as it really is today, and what we need to do to take it back for the people.


Best wishes for our beloved nation and specail thanks to Jordon Maxwell for all his dedication to bring truth and awareness to the world.


Jordan Maxwell - Raw & Uncut [2014 Intellihub News Exclusive]:


The US Elections Are The US Elections Are Voter Fraud and Mass Deception! (feat. Jordan Maxwell)L




Who really is the CIA?


ISIS EXPOSED 100% AS CIA OPERATION: "The Next Bin Laden is Here" - Don't Be Fooled

"Let us not be fooled again, this operation "ISIS" is a CIA operation; to create the illusion that terror has come to American soil, so they can institute a police state, and completely disarm the populace and finish shredding the Constitutions."


Stephen Paine


The CIA , NSA & CFR - The Company exposed (Full Length Documentary):





Ebola Fakesters - Samaritans Purse CIA Front... Missionary Fakester CIA Fake Ebola Story:



Smoking gun proof that ISIS is a CIA/MOSSAD/MI6 job???

Our History


Stephen Paine the author of A Crisis in America ~ An Urgent Message to My Fellow Americans: is the writer and designer of this site. He is a scholar of ancient language, and religio-political doctrines and fighting on the frontlines of the issues we face today; once winning a language award for a speech he gave on the occult, and brainwashing he uses that knowledge to bring awareness to the public.


Paine trained under UCLA Professor H. G. Lamont Buddhologist for a decade, while simultaneously traveling abroad to Japan for training under a famous Rissho university professor trained in ethics and Buddhist doctrine Reverend Testsujo Kubota, author and Buddhist priest.


Paine writes from the perspective of his ancestors at the best of his ability to work to restore our republic under the Rule of Law in the same spirit he believes our true forefather Thomas Paine would have done; as much as he can deem from the wonderful works he left us.


Paine is an expert in Monotheistic doctrines, and East Asian doctrines as a whole, Vedas, Hinduism and their origins. As on going student, teacher, Japanese major, with knowledge of ancient medieval Japanese Buddhist terminology, and East Indian Sanskrit, he offers a unique insight to the many issues our nation faces today.


Thus, the issues Paine is facing now are the same we feel Thomas Paine would address today. He fielded question for over 25 years online from people from every walk of life, so he has debated every different religious and political doctrine there is, and welcomes all challenges because as of yet no one has been up to the challenge. And if there is to be one, it must be in open debate for all to see and scholarly, no name calling “ad hominem” attacks. If they be any brave enough please bring the debate and the evidence forward, as Paine states, “I taught comparative religion for over a decade under the guidance of UCLA professor Lamont. Paine's degree is in Quantum mechanics and Buddhist doctrines, with a minor in Political science. He has also written extensively on cosmology with extensive knowledge of the dark arts and the occult. He was recently invited to Egypt by a university professor for his discovery [theory] of the purpose of the pyramids.”


So he welcomes all challenges because he does not look to be right, he is looking for the Truth. We are researchers here, we are not fixed in our political minds, We are the voice of the people, for the people, by the people, by the Constitution of the United States of America; and if you bring him truth he will openly accept it because  as he states, “each man and woman should every day discard what they find to be erroneous, and thus let us not hold on to ignorant beliefs because of our egos and past misconceptions and government brainwashing. This is the fall of modern man.”


I hope you will explore with us, not only our true American history under the hidden veil of our now shadow government by media deception, but how we feel Thomas Paine would have radically addressed these many crimes against our state today. We have over 30 years of research into the truth about government on this site, and we are sharing it here with you. And thus we endeavor to save our nation by these peaceful means, by the pen as our beloved Forefathers did, and thus fulfilling our hope and mission here, to bring back the people's will through awareness and education for Freedom and Liberty under a true republic as it was first established.




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