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May 9, 2015 at 10:00am




                                                            ~ Exposing the Luciferian Network Within ~




      The establishment is now going about Facebook, using Pastors, and other operatives working to spread the propaganda that all videos have no value for learning LOL!! It is such a desperate attempt to thwart being exposed; and thus are they saying that we should only get our information from their news sources and the Bible? Well of course that is what they want, so to keep people dumb and dumber. The Fox and CNN drones . .


If one takes the time to look they will see the greatest minds and the best documentaries can be found online by real people that are not controlled by some agenda. This education system is also a complete farce, and what they are teaching is complete disinformation and it is intentional, and every education system of this department of education is violating, "The Separation of Church and State," and therefore should be closed or revampt. 


It is time to say it like it is completely, and that is to say this government is working to keep people stupid on purpose and if people cannot see that something is wrong then you better look in the mirror. Look at these elites, the news media is a great example. The separation of wealth is extraordinary. They have carved themselves out a privileged life at the people's expense. These people and our government have made themselves KIngs and Queens of our nation; and they are suppose to work for us, but are we now not just subjects, paying taxes and being swindle at every level of government, and you trust them? Thus we have let them take over our nation and no one else is to blame but us. Like I have been saying for years now the battle is not so much against this Oligarchy, but it is about waking the American people up to reality. The country is the way it is because you chose it.


Reporter Spills the Beans and Admits All the News is Fake!


People it is a fact that this media and government are Luciferian. You are not allowed in this cult, this club to fool the world without belonging to a branch of this Luciferian network. These are the cold hard facts and they are using the church and the pastors to brainwash you and keep you believing in this system. They are leading you to hell through religion, what irony. And the people trying to save this nation like JFK was trying to do, when he gave his infamous speech, just like we create videos now to get the message out to expose them! 


Understand we are winning, they have built their Oligarchy on sand, and with just one element we can topple them and take back our nation in a day. That is, "We the People." waking up!! And we can fix all the environmental problems they caused. We have the technology, and they know it. This world would become such a wonderful place overnight, once we quash this element that has grown into a cancer that is oozing from the Vatican. 


Now I have posted these very educational and scholarly documentaries here for people to educate themselves many times, but here they are again. This is where the healing of our nation begins. With us looking in the mirror and humbling ourselves, and stop playing into this government's Luciferian hands. If we would just stop participating, and then we can take control of our nation. Be smart, we can create our own negotiating power. They are using fear against us, and all kinds of tactics, especially socioeconomic, keeping us broke, and scratching for a living. 


This has been going on in our nation for hundreds of years, and it has never gotten better but only worse, and they have these people running about the Internet now working to keep people online and in the matrix of their agenda. Please go to youtube right now and search for "Luciferian Network" and watch that series.  Do not listen to these Pastors, and churches. They are secretly working to destroy you, and our nation. They have a secret agenda. Search it. There are great articles also. So to say that all videos and the information we put out is wrong by these Jesuit based propagandist is ludicrous because most are essays I write, and while always citing my work I then fortuitously include a documentary that also supports my findings. .


Again what a sad attempt to try and stop the message of the crimes these churches,pastors, and media-government do, very pathetic individuals indeed. Demonic hearts!. 


There is much wealth they have squandered, with Wall Street and the rest. We could have fixed the inner cities and could have done so much good. It has to stop, but again it begins with us educating ourselves. Stop buying it to their lies. Please stop and think about what I, and so many other good people are trying to do. Please I beg you my fellow Americans to just at least consider what I say. Thank you!


Best wishes,

Stephen Paine


Here is who really runs your government:


Council on Foreign Relations - The Power Behind Big News


You see the information is controlled by the church (Pastors), media, and government, what else is there, but they never trust the few free thinkers online, and thus people would rather believe the ones duping them by religion mostly, and that is because they are brainwashed deep, deeply. Watch the links I provided below on TV brainwashing and what they are programming your children with.


2012 Election RIGGED - This is going Viral


The US Elections Are Voter Fraud and Mass Deception! (feat. Jordan Maxwell)


ELECTION FRAUD! Computer Programmer Testifies "US ELECTIONS RIGGED"


Proof of voter fraud in the USA - from the horse's mouth


Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (Full Length)


BREAKING NEWS: All US Presidential Elections In History Were Rigged To Keep One Family In Power!


These documentaries are proof, and thus expose the crimes by this government and media:


Ebola - Fear, Lies And The Evidence


Naomi Wolf says we are already living in a Police State but Americans are just unaware!

Naomi Wolf on How Fake Democracies Are Rolling Out a Global Blueprint for Control:


Council on Foreign Relations - The Power Behind Big News


1932, A True History of the United States


The CFR Controls American Media


U.S. Secrets: Classified Intelligence, CIA ,FBI, NSA, Secret Service, Edward Snowden


Proof all Elections are Rigged: Media and Establishment Control Thru The CFR.wmv


The Truth About Television (YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED!)


The Truth About Television (YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED!)


Illuminati Hypersexualization of Children Exposed! Disney Pedophilia and Satanic Role models


Hollywood Casting Couch: Satan's Playground


  After a person watches this video they want to, well first vomit, then throw away, TV's, phones and anything that connects a person to these Luciferian madmen (Illuminati-Jesuits); that have taken over the world with this demonic Luciferian behavior. The poor kids, when is enough for Americans to stop supporting this government and throw them off. .



I can't breathe, I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,I can't breathe,


I am Eric Garner!





2012 Election RIGGED - This is going Viral




BREAKING NEWS: All US Presidential Elections In History Were Rigged To Keep One Family In Power!




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