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December 12, 2013 at 7:40pm



Responses coming in from the pubic will be posted here:



Maddow: NSA Spying Data Being Used By LOCAL Police To Bust US Citizens For "Regular Old Crime"


Court System Finally Exposed! Amazing Courtroom Audio! (SHARE!!!!!!!!)



Law and Language - Santos Bonacci Part One




lisha boht

Dec 12, 2013




dear stephen paine, obama is a rockefeller, rockefellers ARE the banks, and every prez since nixon and vp nelson R, are their relatives. They specialize in that kind of criminal harassment and entrapment, and miller is a common name in their clan. Hope this helps. 




lishar boht

Dec 12, 2013




Move somewhere renting with all util's paid, and find another way to keep yourself off their data base radar if possible. 




Stephen Paine

Yesterday 2:47 PM




+lisha boht Yes, thank you. I wrote a blog on the Illuminati. Thank you for the info on the Millers. That is helpful. Be well!




Stephen Paine

Yesterday 2:49 PM




+lisha boht  I am not afraid of them. My home is a sacred place and I will not be run out by traitors. Take care!




lisha boht

10:40 AM




well, these are unpredictable criminals with zero logic nor ethics, so be very careful. You cannot relate to them nor predict what they are capable of, seriously. 



lisha boht

10:40 AM




and they seem to do things by enlisting help of masons who dont question the WHYS of the situation. *







Former NSA, CIA, FBI and DOJ Whistleblowers Meet Edward Snowden in Moscow:

This link about the Jesuits appears to be what happened to me below. it rings every bell:

Who are the Jesuits:

"The Jesuit Order is the most powerful organization on the planet, within their ranks they command scores of secret agents and secret societies worldwide, knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, Freemasonry, CIA, NSA MI5, MI6, CISIS, ASIO, CNI, Mossad and many other intelligence agencies" (source:* Note: We have evidence of occult practices done on my property by the Millers as described as part of the Jesuits religious practices in these videos and other information about the Jesuits. 



Dear Neighbors,


My name is Stephen Paine; I am an author, activist, Buddhist priest. I live in a small temple, and run, Awareness for Humanity working to save our nation and the world from the evil within.


I have a dire warning for all citizens of this community and our nation.


First I want to share with you that I am a resident of this community; I have no criminal record, and I even have a perfect driving record. I drink very rarely and do not use drugs. If you met me you would see I am a normal person.


I am a tax paying citizen like you, I am a student and have attended different schools and universities throughout my life; an honor student that is still working on finishing a few degrees.


I have been on my own since I was 15, and have worked my way through college with help from student loans I pay. As you know one has to go through an extensive background check to work for any school. I was recently working at the computer lab helping students at one of the local Community Colleges. I am a writing tutor, and I really enjoy helping others learn how to write. I am hoping to earn my teacher’s certificate, among other degrees


The reason I am telling you all this is because I have lived here twelve (12) years in Skamania County;and since I have lived here I have experienced nothing but harassment. I have been beaten, robbed, and have been witness to subversive activity that is criminal in nature and I demand answers. 


Thus, I am working to put a stop to it, and I am asking your help in that if you know anything or have experienced a similar situation let me know.


The question is to Skamania county, are you involved it what appears to be the county working to drive me out of my home? I say this because I am the last one left in my sub-division,and yes that is partly due to the subprime mortgage fraud, but mostly due to the negligence of land use, public works, and planning departments of Skamania county not doing their job; and in fact they have done things that appeared to be purposeful for stalling my project and to destroy our lives and the community.


Now understand I am not the only one from my subdivision that filed a complaint in 2008, which spells out the same kind of negligence and malicious malice to the same project. So our claims are not unwarranted as they have tried to allude to.


In fact, I heard that some people were let go at planning because of the serious mistakes made with some of the recordings on our project that caused a lot of trouble with our lenders,and partners. Now again understand I personally turned everything in perfect and ready to record and they changed it. Why?


Later my surveyor Andy Baseda said how angry the people at the county were at us because good people lost their jobs. But we had nothing to do with their errors, so why were they mad at us? Andy told me later, “They do not like people like you.” I am still trying to figure out what that means.


We originally called a meeting before the project ever started to do it right. So we asked each department to meet together and discuss the project, and they told us there were no ordinances for storm water, and we discussed other land use issues and utilities. But why is it that everything we agreed to they blocked and altered, and even forced us to do a storm water drainage system after we had built one with their permission which was better then the system we ended up with, causing a three year stall of our project enough to destroy us?


Moreover, we were forced to give special wine to the health department for our permits. I mean like I said in my claim, Skamania County is like the show, The Dukes of Hazard. Now understand at the time there was no ordinance for storm water drainage but they enforced it anyway among other things that caused delays.


And of course since the 2008 market crash caused by the subprime mortgage fraud I like many of you have had no means to take on the county in a law suit. But as soon as I finally did start to try and commence the law suit it appears they tired to set me up on a phony sting operation to obstruct it and in fact it is coming out that they may have been involved in working to obstruct me for a long time.


So as a citizen I am asking for answers from the county, which as of yet I have gotten none; in fact, it appears the commissioner’s office is avoiding my phone calls. They said they tried to call me, but I see no record of their calls.


I was trying to give them a chance to comment before I published this article, but it has been two weeks or longer now; so they had their chance, and I called multiple times.


I filed a claim against the county at the counties request because at the time, the commissioner himself Paul Pearce told us to file the claim when I called to complain because he said they had made such a mess of our project, i.e. the deed mistake and the rest. But of course when he saw the damages were over 1.4 million, he claimed he never said that. If you read the claim it basically shows the county was working to deliberately destroy our project. We have a witness that heard him say, “We are going to do everything we can to stop that project” as he said Paul Pearce remarked.


So I ask you my neighbor, why is the county, America obstructing our pursuit of happiness?


Strange is I have been witness to a very hostile group of renters that cannot be renters; and again what appears to be criminal activity by Skamania County and of course our government at large. If I am wrong I am here to take an explanation.


I am a person that always speaks out against government abuse. I am speaking to our congressman and senator’s office on this matter now, and I will get to the bottom of it.  And If I do not get answers I will file criminal charges against Skamania County and the police, and if the people I file the charges with block that effort or collude in any way then we will find out how far up the chain the subversion and domestic terrorism goes.


Believe me this is my community so I hope the county has answers. I have nothing against the police department or anyone at the county for any personal reasons, but I think even the police would agree that if there are people within their department that are involved in any kind of surveillance that violates our Constitution they should also speak out now. From just public information available, it appears it could be the CIA, DEA or NSA are working in concert to entrap certain individuals they deem dissidents.


Now for citizens that do not understand the seriousness of these kind of subversive actions by law enforcement; be sure it is the same kind of spying that started Hitler’s SS movement in Germany. When big brother starts invading your home with such means violating your civil liberties we as a nation better be very concerned, so I speak out!


I spoke out against president Obama arresting Snowden and Bradley for telling the American people the truth; men who in my opinion stood up for our Constitution and the American people. I write strong dissent on a wide range of topics, the wars, the drone wars, the banking fraud, and in fact I sued Country-wide mortgage for subprime mortgage fraud and am working at the moment engaging bank of America because as you know they acquired Country-wide so they assumed all the liabilities of such assignment. But every time I am ready to serve them they transfer the paper to another department within their own bank. My hope is to sue them and open the door to  set precedence so all Americans can sue for the financial fraud that took place in our nation back in 2008.


So they know who I am, I was sued once by one of our presidents and was able to win the case Pro Se. I only  tell you this to make the point that they know who I am. And thus begins my story of infiltration right here in Skamania County by what appeared to be possibly multiple government agents renting my basement apartment over and over; spying,and gathering information on me, while they completely terrorized me and worked to set me up for a sting operation they had planned, so it is a most disturbing thing that it appears the police were assisting them.


Now again I hope I am wrong, but why did the police let these people go when in the end they know they robbed me and the list of their obvious crimes they did abounds.


So I am still waiting for an explanation. Were they part of another group, or religious cult? The police should have worked harder to find out the truth because it is their reputation that is on the line here. Just so they know, you arrested the home owner and let the drug dealers, i.e. the criminals get away. You completely failed me and the community, and there are a lot of people here in my subdivision that also wants answers to these questions. These are issues that should concern all citizens of Skamania County and the world.


So it starts on or around 6/15/2013Jacob and Amber Miller called on an ad I have on Craigslist to rent my basement apartment, now understand I was just terrorized by another renter that never paid and also seemed to know the police; while the person before them had a paper on her desk where I noticed she had a list of everywhere I had ever lived. What renter does that?


So to keep the story concise I will skip the renters prior to the recent incident that may or may not have been involved, but I will just say they all did the same thing. Move in, only pay move in cost, never pay again, cause trouble with the police, terrorize and insult me, trash my apartment and dump enormous amounts of stuff so I have to haul it way, then disappear.


So the Millers sign the lease and after they sign Mr. Miller jumps up saying he is growing marijuana legally, but when he moves in he moves on 40 plants, and when I say where is your license he cannot produce it.


Moreover, when they move in they bring so much equipment they should have been charged for storage (which I tried to do but they refused), and of course they never asked, and just dumped it on my beautiful foliage, and from there the abuse started and never stopped. It was a nightmare, Jacob Miller is a dangerous person and that is one of the main reasons why I am exposing myself here to write this. He must be stopped before he hurts anyone else.


For the county and police to let these people get away with what they did to me is extremely suspicion, and every citizen should be worried because they will not side with you the homeowner. They will let criminals come into your home and run you out, and the police will protect them. This is exactly what they just did to me, and you cannot tell the story any other way. That is the facts and I have multiple witnesses. Or are they just idiots, Keystone cops?


Thus, we at Awareness for Humanity are very concerned that they are torturing other Americans somewhere else now with the same dangerous and violent subversive activities.


I was infiltrated before by the NSA which I discuss in my book back in 2000. I know this may sound like a wild claim but it appears Jacob and Amber Miller are agents collecting information and working with local law enforcement to entrap people. If not, these people are lunatics and belong in an institution because people don’t act like this, and I am withholding some information for legal reason that is very sick and disturbing about the Millers religious practices.


So then I notice he has over eighty plants, and so I knew at this point we have a problem. They are terrorizing me; Jacob is acting like a jealous madman over his wife and me even talking. He was stealing stuff, just doing what ever he wanted, broke into another tenants place even when I was standing their telling him not to, and the police have done nothing. Even though I showed a text stating everything the Millers were doing, placing Jacob on probation, warning them not to cut my trees again without permission, or break into other tenant’s places and to stop pushing me around, assaulting me, but the police still sided with them. Even the video shows they were assaulting me and the police ignore it.


I am sorry to say that at this point I cannot trust the police for many reasons but for one they have very poor judgment, not really bright.


By the video it is clear Jacob Miller is a psychopath, and I can say that with no hesitation. He treats Amber his wife like she is a child and even tells her she is a child in the video. It is an abusive relationship, he is a tyrant, and they put me in the middle of their sick twisted relationship and what they think is some patriotic duty to save America and Jesus, and be sure this was all about religion, and destroying me the author Stephen Paine which Jordon did threatened to do on my Facebook the day of the incident when he thought they first had me on a felony when I was arrested. .


In fact, Jacob’s Brother Jordan worked for the Catholic church and was sure to immediately get into my Facebook and everything I was doing. I am sure they are both agents and I have enough evidence to eventually prove it, and thus we are working on that now. Of course we have knowledge they fled the area, just like the last agents did that infiltrated me.


Now think about this as a home owner; if a renter did this to you? Jacob would come right up to me; say the rudest things a normal person would never say to his landlord. Like, “what do you do all day, and are you ever going to get a job. Saying he owned my land;and then asking me, “do you even own this house?”


These are just some of the awful and disturbing things the Millers would say, and I found it very strange how much Amber knew about my religion, which is a specific ancient teaching of Buddhism; an authentic form from India that conforms to the original teaching of Buddha. And be sure they constantly challenged me in religious debate, but when they realized they were losing as I am also a scholar of monotheistic and East Asian ancient doctrines which is my field of studied, i.e. comparative religion they became enraged. Again, I am very surprised at her knowledge of my particular faith, and this was true about most of the last few renters at this point, and be sure very few people in the world understand this form of Buddhism.


Jacob was so bold, rude, and aggressive to the extreme, no fear; I knew and even told them this is the same MO; and I  know you are with the Nation Security Agency or a branch of law enforcement. When people’s eyes become dilated and fear strikes them, you can see it in their eyes. I knew I was right. But I had no way of proving it because it appeared the police were aiding them and they refused to help me. I think Jacob and Amber were being trained by either the, DEA, CIA or NSA.


The next day their yelling that I am going to get a felony on me because of all the plants “they have,” and what is very strange for three days in my mind I am thinking over, and over, ‘burn the plants,’ burn the plants, this is a set up, no one acts like this.


In fact, I have a witness that was here when I told Amber Munro-Miller that if they did not produce licenses for all the plants that I would have to destroy them,  and Amber even agreed at that  point that, that was my right. I should note that I posted a message on my Facebook before the incident saying I had been infiltrated and was being spied on.


Of course the DA never wanted to talk to my witnesses. If I would have gone to trail, we would have destroyed them. Why because the story the Millers tell around the video is all a lie, and when you here my story the video naturally makes sense. I will take a lie detector test, will the Millers?


To prove to you I am a target by this government when they tried to prosecute me on another phony set up years ago I got a letter from the shill they used when she was with her pastor that says it was all a lie, and Mr. Paine never did anything wrong. I have the letter right here in my hand. The justice department is still trying to wipe the egg off their face.


The truth is this leads to the White House, I have been writing the president with the following eight demands for years, and I am working to have charges brought against Congress and all those responsible for the subprime mortgage fraud; where the “Crime of the Century” took place and the American people are helpless to do anything. So I know what this is really about, and it seems the universal good karmic spirits are on my side; and well they should be because I am telling the truth.


In our lives when we try and make change for the good we will always meet liars and scammers that make claims to try and ruin our reputation or sue us for money; which I will tell you, most of us have none left, but be sure in my case they are lying and I have proof. I am an ethical educated person and I have even had business people tell the attorney general all kinds of things, all to try and get my property;but then when it comes down to the facts it is always quite a different story.


I am done with being terrorized by my own country. Once I came home years ago in Federal Way Washington and everything in my home was gone even my bed, and the police assisted them there also, and again it was always surrounded around some property I owned that some large corporation wanted to steal from me. And get this I was at my Buddhist Temple when they robbed me. I was the gymnastics teacher for the kids for Sea-fair parade, but the police and these corporate crooks tell all my tenants I am a cocaine dealer, so they would stop paying me rent; and the list of lies abounds. I am a Gold medal winner all state, Track and Field. Belong to the academy of Kung-fu.I have a 4.0 GPA.


So is it because I write powerful in their face dissent they work to ruin me? 


Of course it is because I am coming after them, challenging their failed policies and fraud. I cannot wait to see the retaliation for this article.


They should understand I came from the street, lived in Gas Works park in Seattle back in 1979, washed dishes and scratched my way up, lived in my car which was a luxury after sleeping outside, and from there I worked as a cook and then was able to scrape together a down payment some fifteen thousand to buy my first piece of property and since then my life has never been the same.


I had already been involved in marching on Washington DC with Ten thousand American flags in protest of losing our rights under the Constitution years earlier. I was also a stage crew hand that helped build the largest parade in the world down The Avenues of  America New York City in 1976 for our two hundred (200) year celebration of our Declaration of Independence in 1776, the birth of our nation.


So I figure I was tagged long ago by this country for being part of what they would call a radical world peace group, even though we were completely peaceful, promoting peace and education. A also published, A Crisis in America in 2006 that spells out all the fraud of this government and specifically exposes the Bush administration’s incompetence and fraud.


But maybe because we are Buddhist it is a threat to them, and of course now I know this to be true by the incident I experienced in 2000 when I was infiltrated by the NSA by way of the University of New Orleans (UNO); where a PhD who was an expert by the way in my form of sacred chanting, in mystic ancient text, worked to destroy our online community, our place of faith, where I taught Buddhism as a priest.


Buddhism promotes peace, love and compassion for all living things. Thus, I am proud to have been part of our 1976 bicentennial day celebration. Country is very important to the Buddhist principle of “Filial Piety.” Thus, when they attacked me in my place of faith I took up this work to root out the evil in our nation.


So back to the Millers; I tried to be a nice guy, they cried they wanted to grow medical marijuana, they told me they had these really sick patients, but instead it appears it was all part of a sting operation; and so I had now been terrorized for three long months by these lunatics, no sleep for months; insane people in my home, and so I was done with the entire thing, and I decided to burn the plants as I warned. In fact something inside just made me do it out of self preservation for my home and life.


Now another strange event is that morning for some reason Jacob tells me the police are coming in the afternoon; so I of course ask them for their grow licenses for 80 plants.Telling them I need the license and of course they never produce them, so again who would not have burned their illegal crop on their own property?


Another important thing to keep in mind is Jacob and Amber do not know how to grow pot, the plants they had were just long stems with a few leaves on them and could have never produce any crop. I am not an expert, but I did some research and they know nothing about growing or harvesting marijuana, and I have many witnesses to this fact that saw the plants, and they are experts. It also became apparent naturally through our long conversation on my deck they knew nothing about it, which was a constant argument we had.


I know it is something any home owner would have done at this point, and if I had to do it again of course hind sight is 20/20, and thus I would do it again. It was the right thing to do, especially to those breaking the Constitution working to set me up illegally violating my civil rights. It was self preservation and again I was in fear of losing my home.


This was a very traumatic experience, but as a researcher I am glad it happened to me then someone else that may have had a heart attack. The Millers knew I was down financially and  had no car, so when they did finally plan to leave they planned to have the power turned off and leave me a huge bill, and so they wanted I guess for me to die because they also stole my back up water. The five gallon water bottle I retrieved from their apartment later. I live in the mountains on a well so it would have cut me off. Fortunately a lady saw what these people were doing tome and rented the apartment despite their efforts to turn her against me, and thus she helped me put my home back together; I am lucky she was able to witness some very strange and unexplainable things. Thank goodness for kind and good people.


Then they videoed me while they are violating all my trespassing signs and (and the warning I sent by text telling them they need permission to come in my back yard), knocking me down on the ground, beating me up, breaking my new glasses, and they continued to video me and that is when I said enough is enough and I burned the plants.


The police would not even listen to my story, officer Jay Johnston after I told him four (4) times that they have more plants in their apartment and garage refused to look, even though I am the home owner, and he said, “I saw the video” and he arrested me based on the video as he stated, and left the agents, drug dealers at my house.


Now keep in mind, the Millers don’t work, have a baby coming; Jacob works only part time at night at FedEx. But they have all brand new cars, trucks, motor cycle, video equipment, supposedly own a video production company, and then there were these people they said were their parents would come over that appeared to be more like adviser;and I saw the man telling Jacob what to do in this manner, and in fact it was this strange gray haired old man that called the police. Every time they visited they would cause trouble and complain about something, I was just naturally concerned every time they visited.


Amber has traveled all over the world, was raised in India:a similar background of the PhD from the UNO. They also belong to some strange religious cult which is typical for agents that work with government abroad as did the agents from the UNO.


So now I tell the officer while he has me cuffed in his truck on the way to the station, ‘have you lost all sense of what is right and wrong, you just left the drug dealers at my house and they are going to rob me.’ And what is the most disturbing in all this, and you the reader decide, they stripped my house of all my weapons that very night I was jailed. I told the officer the entire thing was a set up and I hope you are not involved. I even talked to their internal affairs and frankly the entire thing does not make full circle here, something is amiss.


Now these are not guns, these are just arrows, and my Kung-fu practice equipment. This is exactly what the NSA does. Look it up, Google it, there are cases of this very thing happening across America and abroad today. They want our weapons.


So next they then make sure they parade me on ABC news after they refused my request for medical attention,my shoulder is still hurt from the incident. I told them over and over I was hurt and they could not care less, and I will tell you the way they are treating people in jail has to stop. The officer checking me made a joke that I was faking it, so we know the nature and attitude of the Skamania County police because that kind of statement shows their lack of humanity and understanding of karma and ethics. Good luck with that Mr. Policeman. You don’t treat people like animals and take away all their rights because of a small incident or whatever the case may be, just because another person accuses them. We are all innocent until proven guilty, the way Skamania County is conducting the law and much of the nation is a direct violation to our constitution; feeding them food that makes them sick, with condition that are totalitarian in nature. They are stripping people of their dignity and rights for power and money.


I tell you good people do not make deals with these people, they are domestic terrorist.


I believe the entire law enforcement system is a complete farce and here is why in simple terms even a child could understand. When the police arrive at a scene they make a decision on who is going to be arrested, and as statistics show, it is who calls 911 first, but be sure either way these uneducated bullies most of them that become police do not have the mental ability, the reasoning skills to determine something so serious and important to a person’s entire life. Are you kidding me, it is ludicrous! Now, what should happen is they carefully take a report and then when they have all the evidence then they file charges and make a arrest if the person will not appear. This is my country, you work for me. You do not ever get to treat me like an animal, and I am going to work to make sure it never happens again.


We need a citizen’ police force, one that keeps an eye on big brother and I purpose we form one. In fact, I believe that is all we need and we can abolish the police with a plan I have.


Look big government breeds crime and the police have become the arm of big brother. We can have trained citizen police our communities that share routes throughout the month protecting our own. The police breed more crime and support a prison state. As much as we may think they are helping, in the end they are why we have so much crime.


We have become a police state and the lack of humanity is the end of our nation, and I am going to do something about it if I can.


I tell people that if the police ever try and arrest me for no reason I am going to defend myself next time because I could have died in that jail. It is self preservation, so be careful. Anytime the police come on your property you are in a dangerous situation. Remember we have the same rights as they do, and we should exercise them.


Moreover, the police need to get permission to come on your property, or you can sue them for violating your personal property rights they think they took away. I will show you how far their little law will last when I sue them for violating the Constitution that protects those personal property rights. I know the Constitution, and any amendment that is passed that is in a direct conflict to our constitutional rights is void by the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, something the lawmakers do not want the layman to know.


So be proud Americans. The law maker’s attempt to erode our rights under the Constitution is void under the totality of all our articles of freedom. And actually the “patriot act” is void to these same means. Our forefathers were fortunately smarter than these criminals. In fact, one can argue that any of the 22 amendments to the Constitution are null and void that are in conflict to the will and the interest of the people.


Where is the common sense? Good people do not allow a law to be passed that is surrounded by fraud and collusion by government officials that take away the people’s rights. Thus, law makers and lobbyist; amending laws under a conflict of interest against the will of the people are criminals of our nation. Thus, any amendment done under such conditions is therefore null and void.


Are the police becoming Nazi, do they not realize their activities are the same?


And even if their law would stand up for the Police to violate personal property rights makes you a Nazi period! Be warned I find out you violate anyone’s personal property rights I will make issue with it, and post your name all over the county as a traitor to the constitution and I will work to sue you personally.


These people are the criminals, and the arrogance of the staff at Skamania County is indicative of the attitudes of the DA, prosecutors and police. In fact, it is the same attitude that our government has taken with the spying on Americans. Like were the terrorist. No you’re the terrorist. The facts are we are the largest prison state in the world and it is big business, and now they are coming to get you if you speak out, or if you worship a god other than theirs you are a target for sure.


Now understand what just happen to me is a very serious crime. I did nothing wrong and look what they did to me, so I have a right here to give the county and police a piece of my mind.


Now get this clear, knowing already that I am not being charged with any crime the DA then waits to arraign me so they can sit me right next to the worse felon they know is making the news later, and so they sit me right next to him so all the cameras would be on me, and it was clear it was done on purpose.


The police had no regard for my life. You know there is something about being set up; you know when it is happening.


So they tried to charge me with a felony and failed, the very thing the Millers were saying that morning was going to happen to me; and in fact the Millers after I burned the plants said you really did it this time, like there was another time?  Interesting!


And thus Jordon, Jacob’s brother the video man, who belongs behind bars for what he did to me was saying  the same thing. That your going to look like the good guy again I guess because he knew when I burned the plants they knew I threw a wrench in their subversive, Constitutional breaking plan, or is there another time they were harassing me and trying to set me up that failed? This is starting to smell like the DEA could be behind this.


So sure enough after I walk home after spending the night in Jail they cannot file charges because I guess I foiled their plans.


I also called 911 and would have called them first if Jacob and Jordan were not holding me down.


The entire thing was, “Out of Chaos Comes Order,” their order!


The next events are shocking to me as a citizen, and it is why I am telling this story because I do not want this happening to anyone else; and in fact we are looking for the Millers now; and we will bring them to justice, and the rest of the people involved behind this. No one should be terrorized in their own home by such evil methods. They should know by now they picked the wrong person to do this to because I have been studying what they are doing to the American people. This is in fact part of my field of study, and the research I do, read my book, so I shall work to root it out for good, while I write my thesis as the events unfold.


What they did is try to entrap me which of course they will deny, but either way I was arrested. If I would not have burned the plants it would have been a felony for possession. I can here the police now, “well you should have known better then to let them keep the plants here,” and then proof it was entrapment that when I destroyed the plants I was charged. So either way I would have been charged, and I am positive now that was exactly their plan.


Be sure I know these people used psychological warfare against me. Fortunately I study these sorts of things and actually won a language award (scholarship) for a speech I gave on brainwashing and subversion.


I am not afraid; I know what they are trying to do to me. Fear is what they wanted, so they could scare me into making a deal, so then they could ruin my reputation like they have been trying to do for 25 years, but have failed every time. They want to get people in their system so they can control your lives for the rest of it.


They then tried to charge me in District Court but were forced to drop the case when I said, ‘no there is no deal, I want to go to trail to expose the Millers and this entire sting operation.’ And I told them, “I do not negotiate with terrorist.”


So right after I get out of Jail the Millers are still in my house as renters, and they are terrorizing me with the video they took, playing it, and their Christian music full blast into my home, going to where ever I am in my home, to my deck, bedroom window, screaming at me, “what a terrible person, your religion is bogus, and on and on. . . “


They were causing trouble with my neighbors, and new people that came over to rent the place, they would yell Steve is a con man, when they are stealing from me and owe me money; placing a note on my new renters car to try to get them not to rent from me. I have a recording of their vulgar words they were spewing at me through my bedroom window. I called the police again, but they were actually it appears hiding in the trees, and saw the entire thing but lied and said they heard and saw nothing. So you can imagine, the phrase “truth is stranger than fiction” is running through my mind. So at this point and time I tried to say something, but I realized if they know I am on to them I better be quiet as they may shoot me. This is like out of some movie and getting stranger by the minute.


People should know this country has already destroyed my life there is nothing left they can do to me. They killed my first baby, the have terrorized me for 25 years. They destroyed every business I ever started no matter where I go, and everything and everyone I love. And this country destroyed my father, who just died last year a Marine who received a full gun salute and gave 35 years to a company that robbed him in the end and left him for dead as did this country. My older brother is dying now; my mother just went through breast cancer and has many complications. When my father died last year the family lost the home and so we lost everything, and my mother and sister have to live with my brother and my sister has Lupus and could die any day. While my brother who is taking care of them ended up with pneumonia and almost died recently and so he is on his death bed also, so soon I will have no one left; this is all while the banks are trying to take our homes from us, when they did the fraud to destroy our businesses and property values in the first place. I was helping my family but now I am unable, and it is very upsetting to me. We the People have no one representing us. So many lives destroyed in the 2008 mortgage fraud but no one is doing a thing about it.


I live alone, a 25 year marriage ended by the stress of this counties negligence and crimes. I have no children, and I am the only person left fighting here in this subdivision, and since I have no one in this world, and have watched my family be destroyed one by one by this nation I do not care what happens to me, I am giving my life for this nation and the causes I have listed below. And I figure who better to work to finish what our forefathers started.


Back to the Millers:


I do want to mention on a personal note that I am very upset about the Buddhist statue the Millers stole from my yard, a religious item that meant a great deal to me.


Furthermore, the power and water shut off are in the basement apartment so they kept shutting them off; soI called the police again because they left and shut the power and water off again. The police didn’t want to come, but I insisted and so when Deputy Helton arrives, he told me, “well you are the landlord you have a right to go into the unit to turn the power on.”


But did they do anything to stop them from terrorizing me?


And so I go into the unit and while I am turning the power and water back on I notice some of the stuff that was stolen, and in fact deputy Helton was the responding officer that took the report I filed charges on the stolen weapons and other stuff, but he refused and said he wasn’t allowed to go in the unit to help me recover my stolen stuff. Which I was told by an attorney later that this is just not the case and it needs to be looked into.


So then I file a retraining order against the Millers, and the police never serve them, even though they had many chances, and I even called them and told them, ‘there here,’ but instead they let the Millers, rob and destroy my home. They stole thousands of dollars of my property and did thousands in damage to my home, and left owing back rent.


What happened to protect and serve?


The strange thing about the weapons that came missing the night I was in jail, is we have a witness that says she saw the police car turn towards my house after I was already on my way to jail. Why?


I ask you the reader, would a renter after such an incident have the courage to break into my home and steal weapons, wow a bold renter. I will tell you it was obvious they were working together.


Now remember they are afraid to go to trail, and ponder this. The public defender for my case said that the multiple people that saw the video said they would convict the Millers, and I have multiple witnesses that will tell the story that they saw the Millers yelling and screaming at me for no reason and the list goes on.


So it is telling the arresting officer Deputy Jay Johnston said he based the arrest on the video when every other person that saw the video said they would prosecute the Millers and not me. Now I understand these officers put their lives on the line every day and there are good police out there I know. But over all though and this is nation wide problem, the system has failed. Taryvon’s murder alone is a prime example as is my case.


Moreover, I received an email that was just lucky to get that says that my email was listed as being under investigation. This was sent to my Stephen Paine email and I received this email the day the Millers rented my basement.


Jacob soon after renting my place started running around saying he rented my entire 3 acres for the 700 a month terrorizing me. They were paying for the apartment only of course, but they took over everything. Amber admitted to me on several occasions Jacob was unstable, but then again they seem to play me between each other, part of their psychological game.


Lastly, it is telling that I was just starting a law suit against Skamania County for the 1.4 million in damages I mentioned early; and had just requested discovery from the prosecuting attorneys office a few months earlier.


It is also true that I am exposing Congress for the fraud they were involved in back in the 2008. I wrote the “Crime of the Century,” and sent it to the White House and Congress. I have all the evidence of their fraud in my possession; it has taken a lot of time to put it all together, but I am working to prosecute them; and I am working to rid America of the IRS and the Federal Reserve.


This is a list below of the issues our team at, Awareness for Humanity is working on to take our country back.


When the government attacks you in your home and place of faith it is time to fight back and replace our government with people that will follow and respect our beloved Constitution.


Law enforcement needs to use common sense to treat fellow citizens with the rights we are afforded by said constitution. And all the phones you are tracking are going to land all of you and the NSA in jail eventually.


The police should listen well, you work for us, but you act like you are our authority. Let me tell the police this, you are to, “Serve and Protect” only. Stop the aggression and police brutality or karma will get you in the end and big time. You will lose your human life in the next existence this is what the ancient text teach. If you do not believe me, email me and I will send you proof. Our ignorant secular law means nothing in terms of the universal law of karma.


 "... rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our own will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law,' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual"

                                                                        — Thomas Jefferson (Letter to Isaac H. Tiffany - 1819)

If I hear of any abuse and tragedies again like the Trayvon’s murder (which I wrote strong dissent against) I am taking it up personally.


Let me tell the police everywhere this; that if you are working to spy and deceive Americans in any form, we the American people will find out and work to prosecute you. Were not afraid of you, we have the law on our side. You are not the law, only a vessel of the law; you are only there to protect and serve, your allegiance is to the people, not government. You ultimately work for the people not the DA, or government.


Karma is a powerful principle, one I know how to wield well, and so if you know something about this case or others, you better come forth now because I promise you I will extract the truth as you can see I am already accomplishing here.


So thus far I am disappointed to say the least at my police department, and I will be watching to see how our Congress woman Jaime Herrera Beutler | Congresswoman for the 3rd District will respond along with Senator Curtis’s office.


Typical public officials want to be on the winning side for public affair reasons so I hope they will show they care about these issues. Whatever happened to your innocent until proven guilty, and I am in office to fight for the justice of the people? We shall see if they aid me or let me deal with it on my own. But I ask you if they do not help me, then what is their job all about?


You see they did not figure that I am ready for their battle. They have worked to destroy me my entire life and so I am done with being told it is all in my mind. Nice try, say it over, and over enough times and people start to believe everything is a conspiracy theory.


So all the money stolen from the Middle Class in 2008 was all just a big conspiracy theory, right? Wow that is amazing because the money, business, and life, me, my friends and family once enjoyed disappeared magically into the night.


So be clear I am a very sane and stable person. I am an expert in forensic debate. I know ancient Sanskrit and Japanese. I teach the most complicated doctrines in the world, and I am a student of quantum mechanic and can discuss Einstein’s theory of relativity e=mc2, and in fact I am writing a book on the subject for the unifying theory. So to those of you that want to say I am a conspiracy nut, meet me face to face and I will guarantee you I can hold my own with anyone. I have given lectures before large groups, so I am open for any debate.


Here are the issues I have been working on for years now, and I am ready to make these happen, and we are building a team to legally by way of our Constitution make these eight things a reality by peaceful means. And may the universal law of cause and effect have mercy on those that work to obstruct our efforts.


As you may know our nation is in serious trouble, and what happened in 2008 was nothing compared to what is coming with total financial melt down of our reserve currency. They only put a band aid on the 2008 crash to cover the fraud they are still trying to coverup.


List of agencies and issues that violate the Constitution


Constitutional Objectives:

1, Abolish IRS (Why they are a fraud:

2. Abolish Federal Reserve (Why they are a fraud:

3. Stop NSA, all government Spying on citizens.

4. Abolish the Patriot Act.

5. Stop the Chemtrails and Monsanto (The poisoning of food GMOs, etc)

6.Reparation for Americans for Government, Congress sub-prime mortgage fraud.

(Collusion between government and bankers). Which we have .all the proof for.
7. Stop the aggression across our globe, bring our troops home, make peace.

8. Replace our current government with a viable third party.


If you would like to be involved in helping or have any information please contact Stephen Paine at


Thank you sincerely for taking the time to read my story. I hope you will write your Congressman/woman today and tell them how you feel about the issues that matter to you. Let us not live in fear because that is the only power a police state has over us, and be sure you are now living in a police state; so let us stand up against big brother and take our nation back and finish what our Forefathers started some 200 years ago.


Happy Holiday to all my neighbors, and I hope you know your always welcome to come and have coffee and talk politics or about anything at my little paradise on pleasant mountain..


Be safe, don’t drink and drive this Holiday!


Yours truly,

Stephen Paine


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