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Guillotines in the U S Its TRUE, Here is the Law, Christians go Crazy

with Prophecy: Can you please help me make this viral ~



















Back to the Dark Ages, I am afraid we do not live in America anymore!


Make this viral! People have a right to know this insidious information . .






They passed a law and then they ordered the GUILLOTINES. Can you believe they even make such a thing still. What a horrifically insane world we truly live in. How can we sit back as Americans and watch what is going on with this radical death machine we call our government ANYMORE? We are in serious trouble, and as insane as it sounds this is the least of our problems right now. 


You see how the Christians on yoyutube make it all about them, it is a prophecy now out of the Bible, and thus you see how they use religion to control the fear, and create it. "Chaos out of Order," their order of stripping our rights. I could post those links all night. Mostly made by christians. Christians do not realize that the reason people write strong dissent is they keep trying to put their religion in our government and everywhere else it does not belong. People do not want it, stop forcing it upon the world, your suffocating everything.


How would you like it if Buddhist precept were in the court rooms? Or Shari'a law? People just do not understand equality and liberty for all, their religion blinds them and makes them ignorant and down right dumb. I do not mean to be insulting, but it is just so over the top, the terrible effect and destruction Christianity has upon a nation or any community. And as scholars and the wise know, Christianity was created for this very purpose as was Islam; to weaken the nation by keeping the people under the Pastors, church control (brainwashed), which is mostly all controlled by the Jesuits.


Yours truly,

Stephen Paine

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