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 INFILTRATION OF MY TEMPLE BY THE JESUIT ORDER 2013: Inquisition: Old & New - Michael Tsarion ~



May 6, 2015 at 6:42pm



   My home, Buddhist temple, and Awareness for Humanity were infiltrated by the Jesuit order in 2013, where they did terrible things to me and my home. They worked to have me falsely accused and arrested.  I realized after the incident that they had been drugging me for days. They then the night I was in jail illegally, lying there drugged, and refused medical attention with blood all over me; looking at a felony for nothing I did, they then robbed and tore my temple apart. I am a Buddhist priest, I have no criminal record or am I a terrorist, but in fact a good citizen, I am a student of Kung fu (academy of Kung-fu), so they think I am a radical, but I a man of peace. So they stripped my home of all my Kung-fu weapons. Bow arrows, knives, and a very special sword among other Kung-fu practice gear. Nothing was illegal. 


When they did the act I was able to get witness statements and put together a case against them and filed a complaint with the county as the police through research I discovered actually represent the Vatican, and these infiltrators even admitted they work for the Society of jesus (jesuits); i.e. a modern day inquisition right here at my temple (home); and I caught them saying when I burned the illegal drugs they brought on my property foiling their plans to set me up on felony charges, as one man yelled out, his name was Jordan, "You are going to look like the god guy again this time." And thus I  realized this was the same MO as the time they tried to set me up before. This is about the tenth time I have been dealt a blow that either ruined my businesses, or was an attempt to ruin my reputation by falsely incriminate me by the Jesuits. This is how the Jesuits' work, and the Police are helping them make this a Catholic country, they have a vow to this end. 


FYI:  The Blue Mass - Vatican Control of the Police Force:


Operation Jade Helm 15: Training to take down a nation?:


 "According to the worlds best and bravest researchers, The Presidents of the 28 Jesuit Universities rule the USA Archbishops (ruling the Blue Mass Police Forces) overseen by the 10 Jesuit Provincials who take orders from The Jesuit Superior General in Rome through the Archbishop of NY who oversees all the USA branches of The Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus, The Jesuit Superior General also controls and picks the Pope, controls all Intelligence agency's worldwide, The Maffia, Nazi's, all High Level Freemasonry and thus most Bankin, Military Industrial Complex, NATO, NAS, Homeland Security, Papal Knighthoods, Secret Societies and The British Crown (London Inner City), The CFR, Trilateral Commision, Bilderberg Group, United Nations, The Club of Rome and The Chatham House which is another name for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, The Israeli Labor Zionist leaders as well as High Level masonic Muslim leaders (as well as many other world Leaders) are to find in these organizations, so we can safely say that Labor Zionism and Radical islam is Jesuit controlled this facts should wake the world up again all roads lead to Rome i can't help it they do this themself.... This is the Shadow puppet masters together with the Black Nobility elite (Order of The Garter / Committee of 300) that rules the World and deceives the whole world through their Papal Knights , High level Freemasons and Secret Societies (ruling the Red Mass Justice Supreme Courts) who's goal is a totalitarian Fascist World Government to bring a Pope of their making to be the absolute ruler of the World from Jerusalem (The Anti Christ) to do this they need to rebuild The Temple of Solomon, for this to happen The Al Aqsa Mosque has to be destroyed and they thus designed ww3 to get rid of Jews, Christians and Muslims so that they won't get opposition , everything happening in the middle east after the False Flag Twin Tower attacks and False war on terror has to do with these agendas, hijacking the word of GOD out of the Bible , Also the destruction of Protestant USA as well as Liberal Catholicism is nr 1 on their list because an armed population that opposes the rulers and agendas of the Catholic Inquisition Hierarchy is their biggest fear. Its not too late yet..."  SOURCE: Video created by Alan Lamont. source:


Now the problem is when you seek help you find out the crime extends just as the well made documentary illustrates ("Luciferian Network" here on youtube); that from the mayor's up they own everyone. That is not an exaggeration. Anyone that says it is, is involved or just ignorant. When something like this happens to you, and everything you love has been destroyed and everyone in your family suddenly dies you do the research, so no one can tell me this is not true. These are the facts period and the evidence speaks volumes. I have been held up here by the Jesuits for seven years like a prisoner being chased wherever I go, so I have had nothing but time to research and studied these issues day and night. Search and do the research for yourself of course. I pray you do.That is they control those they need to control to control everything ultimately. if people really knew what was really going on they would have a nervous breakdown, or revolt, and it is not something to tell people without bringing them there slowly in most cases. 


I therefore put together a case and will file it with the state police after the 90 day review period with the county, where I have filed the complaint. I gave them that time to explain why they assisted these agents of the vatican in destroying and robbing my temple, and trying to falsely accuse me of a crime and imprison me. Asking them, is this a hate crime? 


I basically caught them red handed. Their own video proves they did it. But the state department ignores it thus far. The entire neighborhood has worked to remove me actually since I came here. They even knocked down the Dharma way sign that i named out of superstition and they refuse to put it back up. People have no idea what they are doing to other religious leaders in this nation. I was sued by president Jimmy Carter and the harassment has never ended for Awareness for Humanity. I won the case BTW pro-se, as I am winning now, and they are pisssed to put it lightly LOL!! 


Just let me say that the stories Mr. Tsarion is telling about these despotic people are all true, and I am a victim, but be it known I am fighting back with everything I have. I opened a web site society of jesusexposed. com, and am doing what I can to educate others. I of course called the state Human rights division, but like the rest of these so-called American Human rights' agencies they say the same thing basically. That is to say, they after I told them my story said, "Well it is a Christian nation after all." and said they would get back to me, and never did. 


I am only telling you a tip of the iceberg of what I have been through. I am under attack right now in ways most people can not even imagine. They will use talisman spells,and all kinds of mind control against those that fight back, but as Michael is teaching if you understand their teachings as well or better than they do, it can not harm or control you, and thus you can turn it against them by stepping back and letting them sink themselves by cause and effect. And Mr. Tsarion is also right that we have to stand up against tyranny, but do not blame them for our complacency to let this happen in the first place; but now that I am aware I am taking responsible not to take the abuse, and those logical steps within the law to take back my power and be apart of helping restore our republic. 


There is so much I want to say but this is already too long. Be well!


Yours truly,

Stephen Paine


Inquisition: Old & New - Michael Tsarion:

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