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I have been terrorised by this Country since I can remember . .


      It was Jacob and Amber Miller and Jacob's brother Jordan Miller that infiltrated my home, with their so-called parents (advisors). These people are from, "The Society of Jesus," and they change appearances to pose as spies for their next mission when needed for their next plan of destruction against another innocent American, so beware. If you have information regarding these people, or others involved in this insidious domestic terrorism please send any pictures or data you have. Thank you!


Written August 12, 2013 at 9:57am


I was a street kid, landed in a big city at 17, and from there I washed dishes, cooked and at 22 I pulled myself up and was able to buy a small piece of land.


I have been terrorised by this Country since I can remember  . .


I placed seven homes on it after raising the funds, but little did I know that this property was wanted by Boeing, so a sub-contractor Berkley Structures (Micheal Dunn, Bill Lewallen) made a offer and then it appears they later tried to kill me because they could not steal it; thus, they have followed me ever since ruining project after project. I had no idea it was a military project, and they actually tried to steal it first, by instead they convinced my vice president (I was CEO) of the company whom my wife and I took in from the street, and paid all his bills, made him wealthy, broke bread at out table as friend; then he rifled my business and home while we were at our Buddhist temple for our services; they stole everything in our home, and made up some wild story that I we were these terrible people, they took everything; including our bed. Then they told the tenants I was a drug dealer, which is funny because I was the leading roller gymnastics teacher for the annual city parade, and a Bulgarian dancer it top shape (an acrobat) did not do any drugs, and still today I have a completely clean record, and driving record. But as a result the tenants stopped paying rent, accept for a couple that saw what was happening. I have a 4.0 and I won a language award on as speech I gave on brainwashing and I know psychological warfare when I see it.The police let one of the tenants tear the home apart.


We slept on the floor in disbelief. I woke up very determined to get everything back, and fortunately I had deeds to all the properties. They had thugs force us to open our safe, but they only fortunately (idiots) only took the precious stones and other valuables, and left the deeds. Again the police do nothing.


The new corporate attorney was the one that instigated the hostile take over Sealander (broke every oath as my council), and should be in jail today. They used all kinds of attorney client information using his son’s firm to ruin me afterwords. They got the million daollar property, and I got sixty dollars, but I did get the other properties back and they forgot about the homes on the land (manufactured) so they had to pay me to move them or wait a long time, and oh did I charge them, and rightfully. It was divine wind. Also I worked to make sure everyone that was involved the lender, like teacher that help me build the porject get paid, that is why I got nothing. My very honest council at the time, Essenburg and Staton said they never seen anyone do what I did. 


Then the NSA spying started when I started writing religio-political stuff and teaching Buddhism online in 2000. But every business I start, it is the same MO, the same events bring it down, and it is always by someone they send in to do the dirty work. 


For example, this last go around acquired 48 acre parcel I original bought as three pieces that include my temple (existing home); I was able to purchase the property at a very good price and I was suppose to get the temple free and clear, but I was defrauded out of that also. I raised a million dollars, paid it back, and then I was “done in” virtual the same way. I sued the banks for subprime mortgage fraud so I was able to save my temple, and I know that mad a lot of people mad. I was done in of course this time buy bankers and mortgage lenders and the 2008 crash.


So I write dissent against these powerful elements in society that destroy lives with ther power and influence. So is it because I was in New York at 17 building a parade for our 200 year celebration to let people remember what our forefather did, and yes I marched with ten thousand American flag on DC, and yes I have traveled the world fighting injustice, and writing to stop religious hatred that is born from religious text that have caused a multitude of suffering and death, and because I now speak out against such known atrocities I am plundered by the very country that promises liberty, freedom of religion, of speech and the right to dissent; but in the shadow lies tyranny, not our Constitution for the powers that be have shredded our articles of freedom with their false flag born (911 Zionist-Bush) their fascist “Patriot Act,” to establish their police state and strip us all of what so many have died for. 


But now I find out that the Jesuits have been behind all of this crime against me, to make sure I can never gain a foot. 


I was a poor student when i bought this property, I was able to raise the money from the good reputation I had developed over a long time. It was again the Amerian dream and every time I achieve it they come take it away.


I owned another property in a completely different city, and I was again completely defrauded out of that projects profit by a metro-company, and the same Micheal Dunn (Jesuit) from Berkley Structures; and yes there is more. I have always been a small business man. I reach for my dreams, and I have always been honest, they have tried to accuse me of things but they never stick because they are all lies I have all the proof in writing and it is of public record.


In the words of Patrick Henry, 'I say give me liberty or give me death,' so I will continue to write my dissent and my opinion as my beloved Constitution has afforded me by those precious lives taken . .


I am glad it is I they have chosen to test their psychological warfare on, and the financial torture than some other poor soul, I was some how built to endure such hardship, so I shall work harder to remain strong for I know at any moment they can attack with some other sick tactic. They stole my back up water supply yesterday, and planned to shut the power off today, but I have friends that thwarted it for now. Sad they stole my Buddha statue, and many personal things from my yard and house. And again just like when they rifled my house the police do nothing. Even this time with a restraining order they still do nothing. Is it because I am a Buddhist, and a political writer, or it is just a sick game? Are other people being subjected to this domestic terrorism?


I just finally have to tell people part of my story, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. As you know from my book I was spied on and later I was sued by one of our presidents and the list goes on of what I have been through, but some how by Buddha Shakya great mercy and compassion he sends the good spirit messengers and deities to protect me.


I am so grateful!


Namu Myoho renge kyo!


Yours truly,

Stephen Paine



note* 8/17/2013


I just need people to know that I was infiltrated by some government agency and they are terrorizing me, and it appears the police could care less. They have stolen from me and are working to ruin my life and home. No one will help. I am trapped here with no vehicle and if I leave I fear they will break in again. I have made a police report but as of yet they have made no arrest even though they said they would try to prosecute.. I am safe at the moment. It has been a game of psychological warfare, abuse and assault. I am hopefully getting them out, but this is a narrow path I am walking, and they are trying to push me into a conflict. I contacted the ACLU and other civil liberty unions but as of yet I have heard nothing. I have been spied on before but few will believe you. They never filed the restraining order I filed with the commissioner. They are gone now, but have my place locked up while the police tell me I can't touch the place. I feel I am being watched. What a country, a man speaks is mind and he is attacked. It is amazing however that a person I do not even know has helped me through the entire thing, bringing me supplies, and helping me keep my services on and just a wonderful support. I can only thank Shakyamuni Buddha for sending me a person with such compassion and understanding. 


Note*     8/1818/2013


The police even though I called and told them the renters were here so they could serve them with the restraining order they still never showed up all day. I called them 12:18 pm when the renter-agents arrived. They were here until dusk and the police never showed. I have a written statement from a witness they ask for (police) that proves they have broken and entered my home, stolen items, and harassed me, but no word. It is as if they are letting them ruin my home, and my life  . .


It is like I am in a war zone in my own home. I have hostile enemies working to actually destroy me any way they can find, but little do they know that I have witnesses that in the end will put an end to their subversive civil right breaking insidious sick little game. They think their psychological war games are actually going to affect me, oooh, I am soooo scared LOL!! I laugh at your pathetic childish games, it only makes me stronger and more convinced of what I am doing is right. I am glad to see this twisted spying on Americans and journalist game first hand, so i can understand what you are doing to others.  


People that spy on Americans that work for our government are the lowest creatures on earth . . In their next life they will slither on their bellies in grotesque ways as the ancient text clearly state. 


I will not stop speaking out if this is what this about. I have done nothing wrong, but tell the truth about tyranny . . 

Namu Myoho renge kyo!
Stephen Paine

The terrorism continues today 8/22/2013 at my home (temple), the police never filed the retraining order, and never filed charges yet on the infiltrators for robbing my home inside and out. I woke today with no hot water, and thus even though they have completely moved out, they come back to turn all the heat and hot water on to run my bill up, which causes the breakers to shut off and cut all my power off. And who knows what else they are stealing or damaging. I have asked the poice to help but they seem to be aiding them. They are tryig to scare my new tenant so she will not want to rent the basement apartmet, they actually placed a slanderous note on her car. It is psychological warfare. No normal citizen is this bold and if he is he belongs in an institution. I have been nothing but kind and generous to these people. As I have said before the ploice have witnessed that they beat me up but filed no charges. If the this is not a set up then I have been invaded by psychopaths..

Ignorant people do not understand that what they do will all be exposed by cause and effect, and then the karmic retribution begins . 

Namu Myoho renge kyo!

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