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The hidden Jesuits that have infested our nation:



Look what Japan had to do to get the hidden Jesuits out of their nation: We should do similar now by the law:

























Written by Stephen Paine


The hidden Jesuits that have infested our nation:


 Oh you modern clandestine Jesuit spy, listen well, we know your evil heart and deception; though you try to create an illusion of your grand institutions of so-called higher learning, but we know who you really are! The world now knows your Universities are evil, where you train your own children to become evil like you; where you live as a parasite, suckling the lifeblood from the rest of humanity, while you spread your evil vile teaching from the bottom of hell; engulfing all that is good, to suffocate all that would thrive. I know who you are you Jesuit infiltrator, and I do not fear you in the least.


You are cowards, and a simpleton, your doctrine is childish. Demonic! I refuted and destroyed the pathetic Jesuit soldiers you sent to my temple, and they failed their mission to destroy me even though the police were secretly working with them, and who knows who else you had aiding them; and still you could not win, your a joke!!


The Miller boys are idiots as is Amber your student from India (trained to destroy Budhism), knowledge only of child, by the effect of your shallow doctrine; like the Three Stooges they are, maybe the Vatican can become a clown circus, at least it would have some use. The Millers are perfect, Jordon acts like Bozo really, and he is a trainer of dogs already.. The pope would be a good animal trainer, he has lots of experience. Thus, this includes all Catholics, they should give up their faith now because if they follow these teachings the principle that really govern the universe, "cause and effect," say they will certainly be born animals of some kind in their next life, and it will not be good. That will be if your lucky based on the ancient text.; but I can save you from the path of hell you are certainly on now. I am willing to teach you the way to enlightenment, now it will be hard to give up your lavish lifestyles of being a servant of a false god though. I mean all the perks and donations, and power are out the window. No more satanic rituals, and the child porn is out. That it what your trying to teach right, live lush and rich lifestyles, and pedophilia is okay. 


I hear you molest your children when they train them in the NSA and CIA (Jesuits) to prepare them for their infiltration, anything for Jesus and the Pope right! That is what your sick demonic doctrine (Jesuit Order Instruction) says. yes I have read all your demonic and childish doctrine, and be sure, you are going to the Avchi hell, not any heaven. Because the guardians of the universal law of the Saddharmapundarikasutra are on our side, you will lose this time; look it up you child of doctrine, you heretic Jesuit demon, traitor of our nation.


We know what your plan is, and be sure I have already stopped you by my prayer. Your doctrine is the dark side, while ours is the White golden Light, and thus we have already destroyed your innate darkness by shining and revealing the light of truth on your demonic plans of agenda 21 and the rest; and your plan for world domination and pedophilia aims. We know you killed 7 presidents and have caused all the misery. I have posted the truth below in scholarly documentaries that cannot be refuted, and even world banker whistle blower Karen Hudes is testifying against you. You Cock roaches, you CIA Jesuit scum that still are stealing, selling and molesting little children will suffer beyond calculation as Buddha warned.


You children of the Jesuit father listen well, your parents are demons from hell (check to see if they go to any of these institution I have listed below), and if so, you should escape their horror and the nightmare your life will become. Daddy and mommy are a liar, and a killers of other children so you can live so well. They say if you want to understand a living things true nature, just look how does it live, does it slither on the ground of hate and fear, working to kill the human spirit with a doctrine that cuts off all that is joyful and good. Your teaching is one that creates demonic nepotistic hateful christian Jesuit soldiers, Lucifer's generals.If I were you I would execute myself and beg for forgiveness. 





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