January 18, 2015 at 12:49pm
A National Campaign to stop the multiple crimes by the members of, "The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)," from the religious genocide they have, and are committing against other belief systems in America and across the Globe.
We have thus complied evidence and individual testimony against, "The Society of Jesus" ; showing they do in fact infiltrate American homes to destroy them from within, i.e., their businesses, religious beliefs, and organizations; and the worst part is they feel they are doing God's work. They use the church and government to wield their power. The Jesuits are known as the great agitators. They have by "covert and covet means," as JFK stated in his infamous speech infiltrated every aspect of our government and NOW control it COMPLETELY. They run their Jesuit universities that produce all of our politician and journalist that form a Cabal that is fundamentally the Jesuit order, i.e. the Catholic church. The rule Obama and his administration. Joe Biden is a Jesuit.
So how could I have not expected to be attacked when I exposed them?
Well truth being I was teaching my own belief system online, i.e.Buddhism and they infiltrated and attack us under the guise of president Bush's "Faith Based Initiative." . . and worked to agitate and destroy it; and then they follow you and make sure your life is ruined, so you can never gain a foot, or establish your own dream as America promises of being free to propagate your belief system under the law.
The Catholic church started destroying Buddhism as far back as 199 AD in japan, and we know they were in China and across the globe prior to that causing other belief system havoc for control. And this is done through church and state working in unison to promote a hidden agenda for the Catholic church to destroy everyone else that will not submit to their belief, or speaks out against their numerous crimes against Humanity. Which are well documented by the way as you will see on this site. They now completely control our government through the CFR. I am the author of this web site and have been under attack by the Jesuit for many years without even knowing it, and some how by divine wind I have been able to live to tell my story by some good karma.
We look forward to hearing the many stories from Americans of the terrorism that is going on today by these religious lunatics, The Society of Jesus in their homes and business. This Army of Jesuit generals have taken over our nation and every corner of our world. Do not think of this group as a religious group, they are a dangerous "Army," sent here by the Pope to destroy everything we believe in, and mostly, "Separation of Church and State;" which by this infiltration our government has completely violated past, and present.
We must stand up and speak out against the Catholic Church implementing such a hidden insidious agenda for total religious domination, especially over the secular.
Stephen Paine